
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
180: Jeffrey Tucker & Jim Penman (From Jim's Mowing)
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
A jam-packed episode this week. We feature the IPA’s new video Give Us Our Lives Back, which leads to a discussion with world-renowned writer Jeffrey Tucker from the AIER on Victoria’s lockdown, the prospects for liberty around the world after coronavirus and why the free market is the most empowering and socially beneficial market system. (6:20-38:42)
Other stories include the new reports on the economic effects of restrictions across Australia and people have had their laptop and phones confiscated by police for planning to protest. (38:42-44:27)
Heroes and Villains this week include Jim Penman from Jim’s Mowing and his battles with the Andrews government (who joins us on the line! (51:5-1:12:21) Rachel Baxendale and the need for tough questions to politicians, the NBA fawning over their progressiveness when it was this season that saw their Hong Kong controversy and universities lowering standards for foreign students to get their money. (44:27-1:12:21)
At the end, we break down ‘wormgate’ on Science Twitter, NASA tries to get woke but won’t take on the big fish and don’t worry everybody, Biden is just fine. (1:12:21-1:22:31)