Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Australians want to celebrate Australia Day on January 26. We talk to the IPA’s Dr Bella d’Abrera about the results of the IPA-commissioned poll on attitudes towards Australia Day and how Russell Coight inspires her (0:00-7:27). Heroes and Villains this week include Laurence Fox’s awesome Question Time appearance in the UK, the nurse who saved Greg the Yellow Wiggle, Deloitte and the man who called the police and shamed a Target employee to 200,000 people over an electric toothbrush. Dr Anthony Dillon joins the show to talk about appearing in the IPA’s Race Has No Place video, what he thinks of #changethedate and what the real issues affecting Indigenous Australians are (17:15-33:50). After that, we have one of the most impressive performances in the history of the quiz (33:50-41:50), before James and Pete break down the New York Times endorsing not one but two women for the Presidency, Extinction Rebellion being listed as a terrorist group and Pete makes an impassioned plea for his struggling local cricket team to be included in #sportsrorts.