Friday May 08, 2020
Ep 160: The Beginning Of The End Of Restrictions?
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
The National Cabinet gives us a plan out of restrictions but will the states play ball? James and Pete recap the developments as well as the Cedar Meats scandal and the new report showing how lockdown measures around the world are increasing the spread of other diseases.
Likes and Dislikes include The Wolverines in Canberra, a good old fashioned political dustup, Clementine Ford and Catherine Deveny receiving government grants in the middle of a pandemic and the FlexTape guy is in James’ head. (0:00-18:24)Research Fellow Cian Hussey and Generation Liberty Campus Coordinator Anjali Nadaradjane join the quiz this week. Cian takes us behind the scenes of his battle with The Guardian this week and Anjali tells us about Viral Banter: Women and Liberty. (18:24-38:27)
Pete’s Not Fine – Global Edition includes Professor Lockdown Neil Ferguson breaking restrictions to see his lover, the man who didn’t realise you couldn’t quarantine in the middle of Disneyland and The Queen checking in on Australia’s horses, and Pete continues fanning over the NT Chief Minister’s love of froff. (38:27-47:23)We have another draft this week with Research Fellow Morgan Begg taking on James and Pete in a draft to create the world’s greatest band. (47:23-1:07:35)