Friday May 01, 2020
Ep158: The IPA's Poll, That Cook(ed) Tweet & Press Conference Crashing
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
This week’s Friday show sees James and Pete discuss the IPA’s new poll making headlines, the Deputy CHO in Victoria’s tweet about James Cook and Twiggy Forrest hijacking a government press conference.Likes and Dislikes this week include the Northern Territory (again), 99-year-old Captain Tom Moore’s fundraising efforts, the hypocrisy of the Believe All Women movement and the worst article The Atlantic has run in a long time. Mia Schlicht defends her quiz crown against Pete and Boston Edwards, the IPA’s Campus Coordinator at the University of Wollongong.At the end of the show we have Pete’s Not Fine – Global Edition, ask if aliens exist after the Pentagon releases footage and Justin Amash running for President calls for the replaying of the greatest clip in political history.Enter The Young IPA Podcast’s membership competition and win a copy of Dave Rubin’s Don’t Burn This Book with a signed nameplate. Details in Tuesday’s show!