
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
198: Paul Murray
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
The vaccine hits the UK and the US but Australia still won't budge its approval date. The Four Corners saga continues to play on which is exactly why the ABC should be privatised and Victoria cancels the Australia Day parade even though 30,000 are allowed at the Boxing Day test.
Heroes and villains this week includes cricketer Ben Dunk not kneeling for Black Lives Matter, Uighur advocate Sadam Abudusalam reunited with his family after three years, the Victorian government proving once again it can't get anything right and the UN stopping Scott Morrison speaking at the climate conference, even though he shouldn't have anyway.
We speak to Sky News host Paul Murray about what he learned in 2020 about Australians and the government, border closures, our relationship with China and predicted the biggest story for 2021, the next Labor leader and what is going to happen to the US under Biden (17:23-53:14)
At the end, Ben & Jerry's solves racism forever, Time gives Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Person of the Year, the NYT thinks no one can just enjoy knitting without it also being an act of civil defiance and Pete weighs in on whether people with PhDs can still be called doctors
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