
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
200: The Last Episode
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
It’s the last episode of The Young IPA Podcast and we’re going out with a bang. Premiers rush to shut their borders to NSW despite the outbreak being under control and cause a fresh wave of suffering – why is it constant panic and where is Scott Morrison? The Coate inquiry into Victoria’s Hotel Quarantine gets handed down and it’s a dud – but former Health Minister Jenny Mikakos might have saved the day.
We award our villains of the year, with no surprises as Daniel Andrews and Nick Coatsworth’s “make your beds” quote take the honours, before we speak to our Hero of the Year David Limbrick MP about the state of human rights in Victoria now and in the future, and how we should never forget how the government locked up public housing towers (20:50-47:06).
At the end, we discuss Paris’ city council being fined for breaking gender equity laws by having too many women, the ABC’s mad rush to get to a 50/50 gender split on on-air talent and the viral article saying black people’s votes should count twice because apparently your skin colour should determine political representation, before signing off for the last time.

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
198: Paul Murray
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
197: What We Learned In 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
This week the boys talk about the IR changes on the table at the federal level and why you should care, the slow lifting of COVID restrictions around Australia and how the creaking EU bureaucracy is preventing Europeans from accessing COVID vaccines as quickly as the British. Heroes and Villains this week include Walter E. Williams, an LA businesswoman, an American mayor telling his constituents to stay at home…from Cabo and Australia’s National Soils Advocate. (00:00 - 26:32)
James and Pete interview great friend of the show IPA Director of Policy and the IPA With You host Gideon Rozner for his reflections on a truly crazy year, what he’s learned and his hopes for freedom in the future. (26:33 - 50:32)
Stuff that made the boys laugh this week include Greens Tea Towels, the Chicago Teachers Union who think opening schools is racist, the Manchester undergraduates demanding the removal of the word ‘black’ from text books and South Africa’s attempt to block out the sun. (50:33 - 57:26)

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
196: James Lindsay
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Penguin employees revolt over Jordan Peterson's latest book, COVIDSafe data 'incidentally' collected by intelligence agencies and the Liberal Party's proposed ban on cash payments is quietly shelved. James and Pete discuss those stories and share their heroes and villains for the week, including Piotr Marklielau, the schoolkids protesting to learn about controversial views, the Denver mayor travelling for Thanksgiving after weeks of telling families not to and Twitter only factchecking Trump and not the Chinese Communist Party.
Cynical Theories co-author James Lindsay joins the show to discuss the book, postmodernism, how it has become so powerful today and what it holds for the future. (19:51-1:04:55)
At the end, White Fragility author Robin D'Angelo gets paid more than black speakers, an aux cord dispute brings down a political party, the new WA Lib Leader shares an embarrassing photo of himself and a monolith gets left in the desert then disappears.

Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
195: What Just Happened In South Australia?
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
South Australia has one of the wildest weeks in political history and borders open and close across the country. James and Pete discuss all that and share Heroes and Villains for the week, including the Year 12s who got married so they could have 100 people at a party, the rebel Conservative MPs who may save Britain from lockdown, Gavin Newsom flouting his own restrictions and Boris Johnson committing to a petrol-free future.
We speak to Caleb Bond from The Advertiser about South Australia’s wild week, what it was like to be in the state as it locked down and how South Australians are feeling going forward (24:06-43:02). We also speak to Evan Mulholland about his viral article in The Australian on ABC privatisation (43:02-57:32).
At the end, Redskins try to go woke but accidentally name themselves after a serial killer, scientists are keen to see the world actually become The Planet of the Apes, Lewis Hamilton believes he should be the only Hamilton in the world and Jameela Jamil thinks men never think about being likable when its James’ every waking thought.

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
194: Is South Australia Locking Down?
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
South Australia’s new cluster sparks fears of another lockdown and other states immediately close their borders…after 20 cases. James and Pete discuss the fallout from this and a new proposal for the government to track credit card purchases to fight COVID which will never, ever have any downsides.
Heroes and Villains this week include the Coalition reforming public sector pay, Gladys Berejiklian not closing borders, Matthew Yglesias being forced out of Vox for standing up to cancel culture and the American university apologising for encouraging people to vote, even if its for Republican candidates.
We speak to Joe Hildebrand about his article on what Joel Fitzgibbon’s resignation from Labor frontbench means, the tensions in left-wing parties around the world between traditional working class values and new wokeism and what the real lessons from the US election are (25:32-56:03). We also speak to Sky News contributor Caroline Di Russo about WA’s border closures and Mark McGowan’s power trip through coronavirus (56:03-1:11:16)
At the end, we cover the ‘defund the police’ councilwoman in the US calling the police on a Lyft driver over an argument about windows, the photo of Malcolm Turnbull staring lovingly at Malcolm Turnbull, Beverly Hills voting for Trump and a US school says Asian people are no longer considered People of Colour.

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
193: Joe Biden Is Mostly President & Brendan O'Neill
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
James and Pete recap all the latest with the US election - including what a Biden administration might be like, is Kamala Harris as far left as people think and how America isn't actually on fire - and the Four Corners MeToo episode making waves across Australia. Heroes and villains this week are Californians, Joel Fitzgibbon, AOC’s blacklist and UK Police.
Brendan O’Neill, editor of Spiked, joins the show to talk about how the US election was a revolt against the elites and identity politics, and how Boris Johnson's new lockdown is a complete failure. (31:33-1:03:59)
At the end, Anne Hathaway is the latest actress to apologise for acting, an MSNBC host ends his four year protest against Trump by wearing a black tie (which "no one noticed") Nevada does not care if you want to know who is President, and holy cow they actually booked Four Seasons Total Landscaping.

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
192: No One Knows Anything - Recapping US Election
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
YUGE show this week with everything you need to need know about the US Presidential election (except of course, who won). Will the Dems steal it? Will Trump lead a coup? Is “Trump is racist” now dead? And if Trump loses, what will Trumpism be like without Trump? (00:00 - 27:19)
We talk to Greg Sheridan, Foreign Editor at The Australian, about what will happen next, how divided America is, and the problems with the polling (27:20 - 52:42).
Then YouTuber and Sky News contributor, Daisy Cousens joins us with her take on the possibility of vote-counting shenanigans going on behind the scenes, why Hispanics voted for Trump and how to talk to young people about the dangers of socialism (52:43 - 1:13:51).
At the end we talk about the huge win for academic freedom the IPA and Australia had last week as well as do our heroes and villains – Grandma Wong, Charles Walker MP in the UK, the Oregon official reading out COVID-19 death stats in a clown costume and Vicpol (again) (1:13:52 - 1:23:34).

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
191: Lockdown (Kind Of) Ends & QLD, US Election Preview
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Victoria is (somewhat) free as the lockdown comes to an end, and the US and Queensland prepare for elections while Israel continues to sign peace deals with Middle Eastern countries. Pete and James discuss those topics and share their heroes and villains for the week, including Nick Cave, Kanye West going on Joe Rogan, Chelsea Handler saying she had to remind 50 Cent he was black and the New York Post’s Twitter account is still locked.
We speak to President of LibertyWorks and CPAC Australia Founder Andrew Cooper about the upcoming Queensland election, what the big issues are and who freedom-lovers should be supporting (29:41-42:57). We also speak to IPA Director of Communications Evan Mulholland about Victoria’s roadmap, the Australia Post scandal and whether the ABC has a problem of a ‘inner city left wing bias’. (42:57-1:01:56)
At the end, we break down Joe Biden saying he runs the biggest voter fraud organisation in the country, Kamala Harris forgetting what city she’s in, Billy McFarland being placed in solitary confinement for launching a podcast, QLD health experts having no idea how big a football is and Pete gives DMAs a talking to after that Grand Final performance.

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
190: Missing Kiwis & Inside Dan Andrews' Press Conferences
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
There are Kiwis on the loose in Australia and fingers are being pointed everywhere. Victoria’s new roadmap continues to leave retail and hospitality out and the Western Australia border closure is under more pressure as the CHO admits to a Parliamentary Inquiry he thinks they should be open. In the US, Big Tech tries to suppress the New York Post’s story about Hunter Biden.
Heroes and Villains this week include Josh Frydenberg, Gideon Rozner for his article about Jacinda Ardern and all the reaction it received, the UN Human Rights Council is now officially a troll organisation and John Hewson continues destroying his "legacy".
We talk to Sky News Reporter Gabriella Power about what it’s like at Daniel Andrews’ press conferences, how hard it can be to get him to directly answer questions and the #IStandWithDan brigade (28:58-51:13). We also talk to IPA Campus Coordinator Peumike Dissanayake about Generation Liberty’s debate with Socialist Alternative on capitalism v socialism including some very spicy after match exchanges (51:13-1:02:37).
At the end, Anthony Albanese explains a $1.1 billion policy to a four year old, it turns out debate moderator Steve Scully was NOT hacked and Gal Gadot admits her famous Imagine video "didn't transcend" - James begs to differ.